18 Warm-Hearted Stitchers 0 Upcoming events
Mississauga, Canada Founded on Apr 28, 2018 https://www.meetup.com/PROJECT-WARM/

Stephanie Stephanie
Jan 16, 2020, 9:23 PM
2020 Initiatives and Receiving Charities

Hi Ladies,

I don't plan on making any changes to our receiving charities as they have been very grateful for receiving what they have from us.

We currently donate to:

Out of The Cold in Etobicoke

The Shoebox Project

A Place Called Home in Lindsay


Here is a list of items each charity takes (Sandy/Kelly... please edit/comment if I mess something up or you want to add - Thanks)


Out of the Cold - Adult Males & Females

- blankets, hats, scarfs, mitts, socks, head bands

- they will also take gently used clothes (you will need to coordinate with Sandy for delivery of these items)


Shoebox Project - Adult Femals Only

- hats, scarfs, mitts, socks, headbands

- other items such as notebooks, pens, personal care items (shampoo, lip gloss, etc)


A Place Called Home - Adult Males & Females (and some childrens items... they would prefer to not receive a lot of childrens items from us as they get a fair bit locally donated and people tend to 'forget' the adults)

- blankets, hats, scarfs (cowl scafs are preferred), mitts, socks, head bands


If you craft something that you want to go to a specific charity, let Kelly or Stephanie know when dropping it off - we will make sure it gets to the correct person.

Other initiatives might be posted throughout the year.

Members are encouraged to craft what they prefer and like and if you have another charity that would benefit from what we do, let Stephanie know.

Thank you for all of your time and efforts Ladies ~ we are making a difference out there!!  :)


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